Tuesday 10 June 2014

Sandbag construction going green

Recently completed sandbag internal wall at  Office 1 floor http://www.ecodesignarchitects.co.za/ the wall separate the large space to two different offices, the wall is very pleasant, removable and low cost.
The aim of a sandbag home is to conserve money and conserve resources. Having been built for $6,000 its aim is being achieved. Inexpensive local materials were used, therefore cutting down on transportation. It was also constructed with the help of its future residents, bringing costs down further. The house was built using the EcoBeams system, which replaces brick-and-mortar with sandbags. It is reported to be a strong, safe and cheap way of delivering affordable housing. It is also a wall with very good insulation appealing and fast to build
Filling up sand on white bags, give good opportunity of community interrelation and activity.
Sandbag Houses, Freedom Park, Cape Town, South Africa

Sandbag Houses, Freedom Park, Cape Town, South Africa completed storey houses with sandbag construction technology by MMA Architects  pleasing and sustainable architectural practice.

source: futurecapetown.com