Wednesday 15 October 2014

3D view of house WOLFF in 51 Chiappini St in progress

Roof 3D view of the building showing roof house built with timber

House WOLFF 3D view North side

Longitudinal section displaying all spaces of the building
As 2014 goes to it final stage echo-design architects is following the same way to finalize House Wolff a project located in cape town precisely in Book-ap 51 chiappini street, its a design with walls based on the highly insulated hemp walls which is two stories high having a basement garage, the ground floor contain a kitchen and a room as well as a WC and the following upper space contain a studio with a kitchen as well as the second room and its toilet facility. below are some pictures of the sketch up projects.
In addition to all activities in the office of echo-design architects I together with my colleges are also involved on a sandbag model on sketch up. This model which you will not find anywhere else is based on the sand bag construction of standard garage from the typical one car garage to the double garage with storing space. Covered with a typical lean to roof corrugated iron on timber poles this model will be available shortly on the site please visit
3D view of sand bag sketchup model with timber ladders

A 3D cutting section of the sand bag walls

One side view or elevation of the standard single garage built with sandbag wall and timber poles


As from June of the most exciting projects allowed me to test my abilities in Photoshop as well as improving my knowledge in earth construction. ECO DESIGN ARCHITECTS needed to update its Facebook with information as always the world require and the information on a site had to be uploaded on the popular JPEG formation but the work around it is a complex process starting from taking pictures to Photoshop them and finally upload on to the site these are some of the earth building technology panels.
From June 3 projects in a row have been in progress and now I need to share them with you guys

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Sandbag construction going green

Recently completed sandbag internal wall at  Office 1 floor the wall separate the large space to two different offices, the wall is very pleasant, removable and low cost.
The aim of a sandbag home is to conserve money and conserve resources. Having been built for $6,000 its aim is being achieved. Inexpensive local materials were used, therefore cutting down on transportation. It was also constructed with the help of its future residents, bringing costs down further. The house was built using the EcoBeams system, which replaces brick-and-mortar with sandbags. It is reported to be a strong, safe and cheap way of delivering affordable housing. It is also a wall with very good insulation appealing and fast to build
Filling up sand on white bags, give good opportunity of community interrelation and activity.
Sandbag Houses, Freedom Park, Cape Town, South Africa

Sandbag Houses, Freedom Park, Cape Town, South Africa completed storey houses with sandbag construction technology by MMA Architects  pleasing and sustainable architectural practice.


Wednesday 23 April 2014

House Boetes Paarl Project

From January current, Eco-design restarted to work on the brief sent from a client to design from scratch a family house for Mr and Ms Botes, according to the client Eco-design was chosen due to being an experienced company on the field of green architecture.
Site location : Paarl
Brief demand:
1- Guess room
1- Kids room
2- Toilets
1- Master room
2- Lounges
Brief includes outside areas such as verandahs and porches for family social time.
As a part of a team I am currently preparing sections and rendering free hand plans to send to the client for presentation of every steps we do on the project.
All rights reserved to Eco-design architect, visit full project on eco-design architec

                                                        Ground story and First floor plan and
3D South View of current project showing full context

3D South view of the 2 story showing the hobby space: west verandah and master room as well as emphasizing the real beauty of the planted brick volts

Northwest 3D view, garage is shown closer further the volts of the rooms

3D South East view showing how Eco-design architect Andy Horn approach the design of the house to link with the landscape by using planted roofs and a ''bridge'' to access nature

Internal view from master room showing exposed timber roof rafters and outside landscape

NORTH VIEW. Approach to the house from the street, floor paved leading to the building by garage first

Internal 3D view showing timber stairs with first two steps being round concrete base steps, the wall is being consider to be rammed hearth raising from a timber floor slats finish

leaving room view with concrete supporting structures to be considered, the view shows the beauty of internal view of brick volts, a pleasant experience of a design to be admired every days by the kitchen occupants and lounge visitors


Osvaldo Andrade
Ocupation: student 2nd year Architecture @ CPUT 2014

Welcome to this space of sharing which I created for the first purpose of uploading my experience in Architecture and also to show the results of the things I have been learning during this second year of observation which I consider to be crucial. I am currently under the tutor of Eco-design architects and every days of 2014 I learn something more to improve my skills, I hope that at the end of this year I will have the knoledge and confidence required to progress with the next step of my education.